19 Mar

By now,  seniors are reflecting and they are looking back at the last four years of high school. But they’re also looking ahead to their futures, whether it's college, work, the military, taking a gap year, or a combination of these things. And, of course, senior year is full of lasts: last game, last school play, prom, and, finally, graduation. They’re bittersweet times, but encourage your senior to cherished their memories. 

Their first great big step into adult life: is COLLEGE. Going to school, whether you stay at home or travel across the country or around the world, can be terrifying. It can also be your life’s greatest adventure.

What they do in the first year of college can have a big impact on the rest of their college years – not to mention on the rest of their life.

Keep in mind, your getting ready to Let Go! You would want to have a peaceful transition of power.

Karen Levin Coburn, senior consultant at Washington University in St. Louis says, "Parents are often shocked to discover that federal privacy laws limit their access to information about their college kids' grades, physical and mental health and other aspects of their lives.

If any type of depression or anxiety is an issue, parents should help set up a plan to continue care and make sure needed support will be in place, Coburn advises. If you don't hear from your child for an unusually long time or become aware he or she is avoiding class, contact the dean of students.

Plan for your child and a roommate or friend exchange home phone numbers so each can alert the other's family of an illness or an accident.

Remember, colleges can do a wellness check to see how your child is doing upon request. 

These discussions and many more are available by staying connected. Join our email list today! 

We are here to support you in any way we can, our mission is to be a consistent support system for our college kids and we love being here just for You!

Paying it forward,

Keepers of The Promise!

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